Results You Can See --
Working to
Make Chesapeake Beach The
Best Small Town in Maryland
- In 2014 prevented exorbitant sewer and water rate increases and established a “Sustainable & Equitable” utility rate structure
- Instrumental in the installation of the high quality audio/visual system in council chambers
- Continue working with state and local legislators to promote and pass legislative initiatives and priorities beneficial to municipalities
- Instrumental in the development of In-Service Training for Town Staff Department Heads. Ascertained subject matter instructors and initiated training in the following: FLSA
– Fair Labor Standards Act; Wrongful Termination and Anti-Discrimination; Harassment In The Work Place; Town of Chesapeake Beach – Town Code Chapter 50 – Personnel Policies; Risk Management at the Water
- Member of the Legislative Committee of the Maryland Municipal League
- Member of the National League of Cities (NLC) Public Safety and Crime Prevention - Policy and Advocacy Committee
- Member of the Board of Directors - Calvert County Library Foundation
- Instrumental in the state approval and funding for the replacement of the Fishing Creek Bridge
- Town infrastructure improvements
- Instrumental in the town’s participation in the Maryland Municipal League Convention “Municipal Main Street” showcasing the Town of Chesapeake Beach
- Instrumental in the Kellam's Field upgrades which included new bleachers and scoreboard
- Supported implementation of data driven approaches to crime and traffic safety
- Supported the addition of K-9 to the Police Beach Detachment
- Supported a Police Detective full time assigned to the Beach Detachment
- Supported position of a Police Lieutenant to head-up Beach Detachment
- Supported a town grant to support the North Beach Volunteer Fire Department
- Supported creation of the Chesapeake Beach Oyster Cultivation Society
- Instrumental in the town’s training and coordination with the County Emergency Operations Center and Division of Emergency Management and Safety
- Supported codification of the town code and made it available on-line through the town’s
- Participated, assisted and involved in working towards meeting the requirements of recognition for the Town of Chesapeake Beach as
a “Banner City” for the 5th consecutive year.
- Instrumental in making significant improvements in the general maintenance, cleanliness and overall operation of the town water park
- Developed a protocol for communication and notification to town council, residents, state and county government for emergency notifications and
- Town Hall Renovation (Chairman)
New Office Space, Conference Room and Meeting Room
Glass Atrium
Hearing Impaired Assistance
Completely Handicapped Accessible
Upgraded Information Technology
- Water Plant for Richfield Station (Chairman)
350,000 Gallon Tank
500 GPM Well
24 Hour Reserve Capacity in Tank
(Worked with Community to Site Tank)
- Tot Lot
Help Secure $140,000 in Grants
Built New Playground
- Kellam’s Field - Recreational Complex:
Field Improvements, Lighted Multi-Purpose Playing Fields
Snack Bar, Restrooms, Storage Building, Press Box, Field Improvements, New Pavilions and Irrigation System for Ball Fields
- Transportation Funding
Help Secure $6.6 Million in Transportation Improvements:
$5 Million for Streetscape
$1.6 Million Historic Hiker- Biker Railway Trail
- Veteran’s Park
Dedicated September 15, 2001
Rededicated Additional Memorials for Five
Branches of Armed Forces, Police, Fire and EMS First Responders (Chairman)
- Shellfish Holding Tank—Met State and Federal Regulations for Emergency 24 hour storage for prevention of sewer overflow
- Water and Sewer Master Plan for Town
(Complete system mapped on Disk)
- Governor’s Award of Excellence for Wastewater Treatment Facility
(Nitrogen and Phosphorous Removal well below State Mandate Levels)
- Since Hurricane Isabel:
Emergency Generators for all Sewer Pump
Stations, Wells and Town Hall
Emergency Preparedness Committee (Chair)
Reverse 911
- Continue to Maintain and Improve Town Asphalt Streets
and Town Sidewalks
- Strengthened Resident Deputy Sheriff Program
- Restructured Town Debt Yielding Savings In Excess of $650,000
- Refinanced Bonds for Lower Interest Rates
- Lowered Property Tax Rate. (In Fact, Tax Rate
has been lowered 10 Times over the Past Four Terms)
- Bayfront Park
Dedicated Park and Boardwalk to Mildred Finlon
Asphalt Drive all the way to the Beach
- WaterPark
Celebrated 20th Season of Operation and accommodated
over 1 MILLION Visitors since Park opened in 1995
- Established and Chairman of the Water Park Advisory Committee: Lead Improvements to the Water Park including Design and Implementation of the New Snack Bar, Storage, Structural Improvements, Management and Training Requirements (Increased Revenue to the Town)
- Established Standards for Victorian Street Signs and Street Lights to Maintain “Small Town” Character
- Sought and Procured New Safety Equipment for Town Public Works Crew
- Improved “Gold Plated Service” for our Citizens
- Maintained the Lowest Water/Sewer User Fees in the Region
- CiviCall
Computerized Citizen Complaint Software to Track, Monitor and Disposition Citizen Complainants
- Past President, Beach Trolley Association, Inc.
- Instrumental in the Town of Chesapeake Beach receiving MML’s “Banner City Award”
- Maintaining Public Access to the Bay
- Scanning Town Documents to Reduce Town’s Paper Load and Easy/ Searchable Access to Town Documents
- Town Security Camera Systems Installed
- Opening of the Town’s Railway Hiker / Biker Train
- Town Taking Over Control and Operations of the Waste Water Treatment Plant from Calvert County. (The Town will no longer pay Calvert County an Administrative Fee. At a cost savings that can be put back into the Town’s Annual Budget)
- The Waste water Treatment Plant passed all testing requirements from the EPA and MDE including the Study 31, Bio-monitoring, and the Chemical Analysis on the plant’s Effluent discharge into the Bay.
- Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrades which include Significant Maintenance Improvements and Readied new ENR upgrade project.
- Approved Design and Building for the Town’s SCADA System – on-line wastewater, storm water and rain gauge monitoring system
- Richfield Station-Sansbury Drive Traffic Calming Project
- Comprehensive Plan preparation
- Fought to stop significant water and sewer rate increases and ultimately in the 2017 budget, reduced water rates by 5 cents and sewer rates by 5 cents.
- Initiated a Town Notification and Alert System (Phone, Text and e-mail) to town residents through the Calvert County Everbridge System.
- 2018 – Instrumental in the Town receiving a plaque and
recognition as a HEAL City (Healthy Eating Active Living) The
Town of Chesapeake Beach implemented local policies and
practices that create environments that promote healthy eating
and physical activity, in order to help make the healthier
choice the easier choice for residents and municipal
- Instrumental in the installation of the new traffic signal
at Md. Rt 260 and Harrison Blvd/ Limerick Lane
- Free Town resident access to town owned boat ramps
- $1.9M in debt paid off in Fy18
- Awarded Waste Water System of the Year for 2018 by the
Rural Water Association -- No spills, No Incidents, No
- Completion of the New Bridge at Fishing Creek